Author - Didi Lomont

How to Install Instrument Manager™ Core Software


NOTE These instructions apply for Data Innovations’ North American customers. If this is your first time installing IM, please contact Data Innovations Sales to acquire the appropriate license files. If you already have the appropriate license files and are installing the same version of IM a subsequent time, please follow these...

Evaluation Rules for Clinical Ranges Precaution


When building an Autoverification Rule Set it's common to include evaluation rules for Clinical Ranges. These rules typically set test reference ranges, abnormal flags, critical ranges, and critical flags for each test result according to your laboratory's established ranges. Many labs have established ranges for certain analytes which also take into...

Instrument Manager System Preventative Maintenance (volume 2)


This month's Tips & Tricks is the second installation of Preventative Maintenance recommendations intended to help you maintain a stable and operationally efficient Instrument Manager system. This month's version of Tips & Tricks includes more recommended practices which, if performed proactively, can help reduce the risk of unexpected operational interruptions,...

Network Installation of EP Evaluator®, Release 12.02


With the release of EP Evaluator 12, this Tips and Tricks will review the network installation/upgrade process.

Download the EP Evaluator (EE) installation Media from Choose where the installation will be on the network. This should be a shared folder which has...

Day Light Savings Preparation


Data Innovations has changed the requirements around time changes for versions 8.07 and higher. After careful consideration we no longer require sites to manually change the system time or turn off IM/Cache during the time change, as we have confirmed that there are no risks prevented by those processes. This means that...

Understanding Test Code and Fluid Code Mapping


Instrument Manager uses mapping as a mechanism for translating information between the LIS and instruments. This mapping can apply to four types of data elements: fluid codes, test codes, error codes, and/or instrument IDs. Not every driver supports all four data elements, but test code mapping is typically supported. Here...

Mirroring: Auto-Failover


An auto-failover is triggered if the Acting-Primary or Arbiter determine that a primary can no longer function. The most common reasons are: The Acting-Primary lost contact with the Failover and Arbiter, but the Failover and Arbiter maintained contact with each other The Acting Primary runs into a critical problem, such as an...

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